Towards a Circular Economy 2.0: Combining Ambition with Reality

Location: Science 14, Rue de la Science 14b, 1000 Brussels

Date : 5 December 2019

Time: 9:30am-15:30pm


9:30 – 10:00: Registration
10:00 – 10:15: Welcome and introduction by ISWA – scope, work of the EU group: ISWA Representative + Chair of the EU Working Group
10:15 – 10:30: ISWA Lighthouse Projects (TF Marine Litter + Closing Dumpsites) and what they mean for Europe
10:30 – 11.30 Political session + Q&A

  • Silvjia Aile, Deputy HoU DG ENV B3: The new Circular Economy Action Plan / The new Green Deal
  • Bojan Lalic, Environment Attaché, Croatian Permanent Representation to the EU
  • Member of the European Parliament (TBC)
  • ISWA Speaker

11:30 – 13:00 Waste Framework Directive implementation in the Member States – challenges and best practices

  • Almut Reichel, EEA– Supporting our society on the way to Circular Economy
  • The reality in the countries – challenges and best practices
    • Jürgen Jacoby – The city of Oslo: “How achieve its goals for food waste recovery and towards a fossil-free environment”
    • Ella Stengler, CEWEP – Which waste management treatment capacities do we need until 2050?
    • Representative of Rotterdam – The new home of ISWA: Rotterdam on its way to a circular city

13:00 – 13:45 Lunch break
13:45 – 15:00 – Round Table Discussion: What do European ISWA members expect from “Brussels” and how are we able to feed in our expertise? – Moderator: Joachim Quoden, ISWA / EXPRA

  • Martin Brocklehurst, ISWA member, CIWM, UK
  • Almut Reichel, EEA
  • Industry representatives (TBC)

15:00 – 15:15 Conclusions

The final agenda will be shared in due course.

For any questions or to register please 

Who is ISWA?

ISWA is the world’s leading waste and resource management network, with members in over 70 countries. ISWA’s vision is an Earth where no waste exists. Waste should be reused and reduced to a minimum, then collected, recycled and treated properly. Residual matter should be disposed of in a safely engineered way, ensuring a clean and healthy environment. All people on earth should have the right to enjoy an environment with clean air, water, seas and soils.